Put down the pies, pick up the weights


It doesn’t involve a team; it doesn’t involve any type of ball, racket, Frisbee or sword. But weight-training is a sport.

People get involved in sports usually for physical fitness and the social side of things. Obviously the physical fitness is one thing that you are going to get by going to the gym, but you’d be surprised at how many friends you will gain there too.

As a regular gym user myself over the past six years I can vouch that if you go regularly you will start to see the same faces over and over again. Say hello to these people, speak to them. They will become good friends of yours and offer advice on different training regimes and diet plans.

Weight-training is addictive; it releases endorphins into the brain, which is the same feeling you get after sex and eating chocolate. There are certainly worse things in the world that you could get addicted to. So if you don’t find yourself too interested in that many sports and want to get in shape for the summer then head down to your local gym. You might just surprise yourself.

I will be posting blogs each week with regards to things like protein shakes and giving a few hints and tips to help get you started for those of you who want to get in shape. Leave any questions you would like answering in the comments section I will answer them in the posts.

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